Medical Power of Attorney Form | Maine

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Updated on May 5th, 2023

A Maine medical power of attorney form (called the “advance directive” form) consists of two separate documents: the living will and the durable power of attorney for healthcare. In the living will, the principal must enumerate the types of health care procedures that they do and do not consent to receive, as well as the circumstances in which those decisions apply.

Appointing an Agent

With a durable power of attorney for health care, the principal appoints an agent to direct the course of their healthcare during any period of incapacitation. Typically, individuals appoint their spouse, a close friend, or a relative as their agent. The principal can’t appoint their physician, or anyone else already professionally involved in their healthcare as their agent (unless it is their relative or spouse). Ideally, the agent should be readily available and able to interface with the principal’s healthcare providers.
