Medical Power of Attorney Form | Nevada

4.8 Stars | 42 Ratings

Updated on May 10th, 2023

A Nevada medical power of attorney form is a document executed by an individual with the intent of handing over the authority to another person to make important healthcare decisions on their behalf. The appointed attorney-in-fact will have the power to accept or deny medical treatments and/or operations should the principal become incapacitated. Before executing this document, the principal should talk to a healthcare professional so they can get a better idea of their present mental and physical condition.

A conversation with the proposed attorney-in-fact would be wise also so that both parties are on the same page with regard to values and expectations. The document also contains options regarding life-prolonging treatment and artificial nutrition/hydration so that the principal can authorize certain actions ahead of time.

Advance Directive – May be used by a resident and combines a Medical Power of Attorney and Living Will.
