Medical Power of Attorney Form | North Carolina

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Updated on February 19th, 2025

A North Carolina medical power of attorney has a two-pronged effect; it can be used to appoint a healthcare representative and list the types of medical treatment and attention one wishes to receive in certain life-threatening circumstances. A healthcare representative (attorney-in-fact), once appointed, will be able to make important decisions for the principal in conjunction with a healthcare professional’s advice. This representative is more often than not the spouse, a relative, or a close friend of the principal.

The medical power of attorney form allows the principal to put limitations on certain authorizations if, for example, they do not want to receive artificial nutrition/hydration or life-sustaining treatment, should it come to that. Furthermore, they have the option of making arrangements for organ donation on the form. Once this form is completed and executed as per state law (linked below), the principal can register their medical power of attorney through the online registration portal.

Living Will (Advance Directive) – To enter life-ending medical decisions in a written document.
