Minor (Child) Power of Attorney | Rhode Island

Not Rated

Updated on June 17th, 2024

A Rhode Island minor power of attorney form is a contract that can be used by parents to appoint an attorney-in-fact to look after the well-being of their child during a period of absence. This type of appointment is usually only effective for a limited period of time; however, the principal (the parent) may set any contract length that they desire. The attorney-in-fact will be able to give authorizations for the child’s education, healthcare, and other important matters that require parental approval. There is no specific limit on the period during which the attorney-in-fact is active; however, most appointments last a maximum of six months. In more serious cases where a guardian is needed to look after a child’s welfare, a temporary guardian can be appointed by submitting a petition (Form PC-2.1) to the local County Family Court Office (as per § 33-15.1-14).
