Medical Power of Attorney Form | California

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Updated on May 4th, 2023

A California medical power of attorney, also known as an advance directive, is used to represent a person’s healthcare decisions in a situation where they may not be able to represent themselves. In addition, there is a portion of the document called a living will that allows the principal to choose life-ending procedure options, such as withholding mechanical respirators or the intake of food and liquids. A principal must be in a clear mental state before selecting their agent. This document is very common before risky surgery or for elderly family members.


Registering a Medical Power of Attorney

One must take the completed Medical Power of Attorney and a filled out Registration Application (Form SFL-461) and attach to them a check in the amount of $10 made payable to the “California Secretary of State.” The package can then be sent to the below address.

Secretary of State, Special Filings Unit, P.O. Box 942870 Sacramento, CA 94277