Real Estate Power of Attorney Form | Mississippi

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Updated on May 9th, 2023

A Mississippi real estate power of attorney is used to grant an agent the ability to act on another’s behalf and execute real estate transactions such as buying, selling, and leasing property. This type of appointment is common for individuals seeking to ensure the security and management of their property while absent or physically incapable of doing so themselves. The person assigning authority (the principal) may limit the duration of the agent’s powers by indicating a termination date in the power of attorney. However, if the principal desires, the power of attorney may be “durable” and continue perpetually even if they become incapacitated.


  • Statute – § 87-3-3 (Power and Letters of Attorney)
  • Signing Requirements – Mississippi law does not mention a specific signing requirement. However, it is recommended to sign in the presence of two witnesses and a notary public.