Arkansas Power of Attorney Forms

Arkansas power of attorney forms enable residents of the state to nominate a representative, or agent, to act on their behalf in a variety of circumstances. The chosen individual need not be an actual attorney, just a trusted individual over the age of 18 who is responsible enough to manage finances, make healthcare decisions, care for children, or perform any other function the principal (individual assigning power of attorney) cannot carry out due to incapacity or unavailability. The type of form will determine whether the authority extends beyond the principal’s loss of capacity just as it will define the task(s) for which the agent is being assigned.

Laws – A.C.A. Tit. 28, Subtit. 5, Ch. 68

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An Arkansas durable statutory power of attorney form allows for a person to let someone else take care of all their financial responsibilities. A “durable” functionality allows a person to still be able to make monetary transactions even if the principal falls into a state of mental incapacity. A durable power of attorney document must be authorized by at least two witnesses, although it is…


An Arkansas medical power of attorney allows a principal’s wishes to be carried out by another person (the “agent”) with regard to their end-of-life healthcare. Essentially, this document allows the agent to consent to, refuse, and withdraw consent to medical treatments proposed and administered by the healthcare professionals caring for the principal. Power granted to the agent is durable, meaning it will endure beyond the…


An Arkansas general power of attorney form can be used to grant the full rights to an attorney-in-fact (also known as the agent) to handle the finances of the principal. By executing the document, the signatory enables the chosen representative to carry out the responsibilities defined therein. The primary difference between a general power of attorney and one which is durable is the former does…


An Arkansas guardianship over a minor child power of attorney can be used by the parents of minor children to select a family member or close friend to act as a guardian. Arkansas law does not specify a limit on the term of validity for this type of arrangement. Unless an advance expiration date is established by the parents, the agent’s authority will only be…


An Arkansas limited power of attorney permits someone to choose another person to take care of a specific financial act or obligation on their behalf. The action can be anything from cashing a check to purchasing real estate. Most limited power of attorney documents becomes void after completion of the act or after a fixed time period. The power can be revoked at any time…


An Arkansas vehicle power of attorney form enables an individual to choose an agent to handle the registration, titling, or the transfer of any type of motor vehicle on their behalf. The simple form contains the personal information of both parties involved as well as the language necessary to grant the attorney-in-fact with the appropriate power once the document has been executed. If transferring (purchase…


An Arkansas tax power of attorney form is a state-issued document that can be used to provide a tax attorney with the legal authority to represent a taxpayer in the filing of their income tax return. The agent will have access to confidential tax information and the authority to perform any act relayed in the power of attorney document. The same document can be used to…


An Arkansas real estate power of attorney is a legal document used to grant specific powers to an authorized representative. This type of power of attorney limits the attorney-in-fact to managing tasks relating to the principal’s real estate, such as buying and selling, leasing, investing, and general managerial duties. The principal may choose to grant all these powers to their agent or they may use…


An Arkansas living will is a medical document that outlines how an individual prefers to be medically treated if they are incapacitated. This commonly includes a guide on whether to provide or withdraw life-sustaining medications and procedures. It is common for patients with terminal conditions to reject life support procedures such as mechanical breathing (ventilation), CPR, tube feeding, and dialysis. Laws Statute – § 20-17-202 (Declaration…