Connecticut Power of Attorney Forms

Connecticut power of attorney permits a person to handle someone else’s financial or medical decisions in the chance the person being represented cannot do so themselves. The person selected to be the “attorney-in-fact” person need not be a licensed attorney and, in fact, seldom is. The key factors that are applicable when choosing this person are integrity, honesty, and familiarity with the choices the principal would make if they had the capacity to do so. It is also important that the attorney-in-fact is local because that will make it easier for the chosen individual to handle those needs that are more easily attended to in person.

Laws – Sections 1-350 to 1-353b (Connecticut Uniform Power of Attorney Act)

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A Connecticut durable power of attorney form is a legal document with which a resident can appoint an attorney-in-fact to handle their financial affairs. The document provides the attorney-in-fact with the power of attorney even if the resident (the principal) should become incapacitated. The principal can define the specific tasks the agent will have the authority to oversee so as to not give them complete…


A Connecticut general power of attorney form permits a person residing in Connecticut to choose an agent to handle any type of financial decision on their behalf. If the person being representative (“principal”) can no longer think for themselves because of a mental condition, the form becomes void. If the principal would like a document where the agent may be able to act to their…


A Connecticut medical power of attorney form, or advance directive, is a legal document that provides an individual with the ability to select their healthcare representative while also providing directions in advance with regard to their end-of-life treatment. The representative will be required to ensure that all procedures are carried out in accordance with the patient’s wishes. More often than not, the agent will be…


A Connecticut bank account’s power of attorney form is a document that is used specifically to designate an agent to handle all transactions relating to a specified bank account. This form provides fields to name the agent, the principal, and the bank account in question. Once signed, the agent is required to handle the account as the principal would if they were present and available…


A Connecticut limited power of attorney form is a legal document that gives an agent the ability to represent the principal to complete a task. The form becomes void once the assignment has been completed, at the expiration date of the document, or at any other time designated by the principal. This document is most commonly used for electing someone, usually an attorney, to handle…


A Connecticut tax power of attorney form, also known as LGL-001, lets a Connecticut resident choose a person, typically a CPA or attorney with tax experience, to handle their tax filing within the state. The agent will be able to receive correspondence on their behalf, execute waivers of restriction, file the individual’s tax return, and perform all other tax-related tasks. It should be noted that…


A Connecticut motor vehicle power of attorney, otherwise known as ‘Form A-83’, is a document that allows the owner of a vehicle to let someone else make decisions on their behalf. This is common when the owner wants to sell, register, or title the vehicle and would like someone else to do it on their behalf. Connecticut requires the owner of the vehicle to authorize the…


A Connecticut minor (child) power of attorney form allows a parent or legal guardian to appoint a temporary caregiver for their child. Connecticut law does not restrict the duration of validity for such authority, though the caregiver’s parental rights will generally last for six months to one year. During this period, the delegate can make decisions and perform actions necessary to maintain a customary living…


A Connecticut real estate power of attorney form is used to grant specific permissions to an authorized agent on behalf of a principal. This type of power of attorney can only assign real estate-related powers to an agent and does not grant any other authority or duties. A common use for a real estate power of attorney would be if the principal needs another person…