North Carolina Power of Attorney Forms

North Carolina power of attorney forms are legally binding documents that can be used to establish (or revoke) a power of attorney arrangement between the principal and an appointed attorney-in-fact. A power of attorney grants the attorney-in-fact authority over specific areas of the principal’s life, such as finances, healthcare, taxes, etc. Some of these forms are temporary, giving the attorney-in-fact control over one or more specific tasks until that task is complete. Other POAs are more lasting and in some cases will remain in effect even if the principal becomes disabled or otherwise unable to make competent decisions. Therefore, it is important that the principal selects an attorney-in-fact that is unquestionably loyal and trustworthy, such as a close friend or relative.

Laws – Chapter 32C (North Carolina Uniform Power of Attorney Act)

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A North Carolina durable power of attorney is a document used to appoint an attorney-in-fact to make financial decisions, personal or business-related, for a principal (individual who executed the form). This type of power of attorney is used frequently as the arrangement continues even if the principal becomes incapacitated. Having a durable POA in place gives the principal some peace of mind in knowing their…


A North Carolina general power of attorney form establishes a legally binding arrangement between a principal and their attorney-in-fact in regard to the management of financial affairs. Whereas the principal entrusts the attorney-in-fact to handle all or a portion of their personal and business finances (assets, property, banking transactions, etc), the attorney-in-fact agrees to represent the principal with the principal’s best interest in mind. This…


A North Carolina medical power of attorney has a two-pronged effect; it can be used to appoint a healthcare representative and list the types of medical treatment and attention one wishes to receive in certain life-threatening circumstances. A healthcare representative (attorney-in-fact), once appointed, will be able to make important decisions for the principal in conjunction with a healthcare professional’s advice. This representative is more often…


A North Carolina vehicle power of attorney form, or MVR-63, allows a person who owns a vehicle in the state to choose someone else to handle the transfer of ownership or apply for registration/title at the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles. If the principal is out of town or unable to show up to the DMV offices in person, the appointed attorney-in-fact can take…


A North Carolina limited power of attorney form allows a person in the state to hand over control of a specific task or transaction (usually financial in nature) to an appointed attorney-in-fact. The principal may choose to grant the attorney-in-fact rather broad powers but on a more temporary basis (i.e., the power to handle/negotiate multiple real estate transactions for a period not exceeding three months)….


A North Carolina revocation of power of attorney form is a document that terminates an existing power of attorney. Some powers of attorney might be created with a termination date, whereas others will require the principal to download this form and sign it to revoke all powers their attorney-in-fact currently has. After the revocation POA has been executed, copies must be sent to any person…


A North Carolina minor power of attorney form is a document that enables parents to assign a trusted adult the right to make parental decisions regarding their child, usually for a limited duration. Sometimes, a parent may need to be away from their child due to obligations such as work, training, military deployment, or illness. During these absences, parents can appoint an attorney-in-fact to act as…


A North Carolina tax power of attorney form, also known as GEN-58, is a document that allows a resident to choose someone else to handle their tax filing with the Department of Revenue. The principal has the option of selecting specific tax matters that they would like their account (attorney-in-fact) to complete for them or they can grant them the authority to do everything tax-related…


A North Carolina real estate power of attorney allows an individual (called the “principal”) to authorize an agent to manage, purchase, and sell real property on their behalf. In most cases, this type of contract is used to handle the closing of an individual real estate deal. In addition, the statutory form can grant authority over personal property and certain financial transactions. The contract should…