Oregon Power of Attorney Forms

Oregon power of attorney forms can be used by a competent individual over the age of 18 years to appoint a trusted representative to handle certain financial, medical, or other personal affairs. This representative, also known as an attorney-in-fact, is bound by the terms of the document and must perform the duties mentioned therein with the principal’s best interests in mind. Each form will grant the attorney-in-fact different powers and will also have different conditions of termination. In some cases, a principal may wish to execute a document that allows an attorney-in-fact to gain (or maintain) control over financial or medical decisions (durable and medical POA, respectively) should they become disabled or incapacitated in any way. In other cases, the attorney-in-fact’s powers may terminate as soon as the principal is incapacitated (general POA) or upon the document’s termination date (limited).

Laws – Vol. 3, Title 13, Chapter 127

By Most Popular

An Oregon durable power of attorney form appoints an attorney-in-fact to manage one’s financial affairs, personal and/or business-related. The appointed individual needn’t be an accredited attorney, they just need to be somebody that the principal (executor of the document) trusts completely with important matters, such as asset management, property negotiations, banking transactions, etc. Once this form is executed, the principal can only revoke it when…


An Oregon medical power of attorney is part of an “advance directive” document that consists of a few pages relating to a person’s healthcare and representation in certain unfortunate circumstances. The first part of this document is the power of attorney section; the principal can appoint a trusted individual to make medical decisions in their stead should they be unable to communicate effectively with attending…


An Oregon general power of attorney form is used to establish a legal arrangement between the principal (creator of the document) and a representative (attorney-in-fact). Once this document is executed, the attorney-in-fact will have control over the principal’s finances, assets, and other personal or business-related matters (as specified in the power of attorney form). The powers granted unto the attorney-in-fact will not continue should the…


An Oregon limited power of attorney form is executed for the purposes of completing one or a number of specific financial transactions or negotiations. When this document is signed by the principal, they acknowledge that their appointed attorney-in-fact is authorized to represent them in all matters pertaining to the task(s) assigned in the power of attorney document. A limited power of attorney is useful for…


An Oregon vehicle power of attorney form is a legal document executed by a principal with the intent of transferring certain vehicle-related authorizations to an appointed representative. This form is provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and only the owner of the vehicle in question may authorize its execution. A vehicle power of attorney is useful when the principal is unable to personally…


An Oregon tax power of attorney form is provided by the Oregon Department of Revenue and is used to appoint a tax representative. If a person doesn’t want to handle their state taxes by themselves, this form will allow an attorney-in-fact to receive important documents on their behalf and file their taxes with the Department of Revenue. Although it is not legally required that the…


An Oregon minor power of attorney form permits parents to legally appoint a temporary guardian to care for their child. Most often, an attorney-in-fact is assigned to care for a minor because the parent is required to travel due to reasons such as work, military deployment, or family commitments. The duration of the contract must be limited to a period no greater than six months, except…


An Oregon real estate power of attorney authorizes an agent to legally represent the principal regarding the purchase, sale, and management of a property. Additionally, the agent may also be given the right to refinance mortgages on the principal’s behalf. In most cases, this form is used to appoint a real estate agent to handle the closing of a real estate transaction and terminates after…