Iowa Power of Attorney Forms

Iowa power of attorney forms allow individuals to appoint a third party to represent them in making financial or healthcare decisions. With the following forms, residents of this state can designate what is known as an attorney-in-fact to steward their finances. For medical-related choices, a healthcare agent must be appointed. Iowans can also define the circumstances in which they would or would not choose to undertake various medical procedures via a legal device commonly known as a living will.

LawsChapter 633B (Powers of Attorney)

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An Iowa durable power of attorney form is a document that residents can use to name an individual with the authority to make decisions on their behalf. In the event of the principal’s disability or incapacitation, the representative will be able to manage their various accounts and finances. Depending on the specifics of the contract, it will become effective immediately or only if the principal…


An Iowa medical power of attorney form allows residents to appoint an agent to make medical decisions for them in the event of their incapacitation. It is important that the agent can be relied on to communicate the principal’s views and wishes regarding end-of-life medical options. Often, a blood relative, close friend, or spouse will be chosen to be the representative. An alternate agent should also…


An Iowa general power of attorney form allows residents to elect an individual to represent their financial interests. The representative may take any type of decision as long as it is in the best interest of the principal. Under this contract, the attorney-in-fact can execute legal instruments on the principal’s behalf, view their confidential financial information, and manage their finances. Unlike the durable power of…


An Iowa vehicle power of attorney form (Form 411021) allows a person who owns a motor vehicle to select someone else to handle the sale of their vehicle. Whether for a purchase or sale, an agent can execute the application, assignment, or replacement for a certificate of title. The contract terminates after the transaction has been completed. Find a driver’s license office Laws Statute – §…


An Iowa limited power of attorney form is used to appoint a representative to make certain decisions on the principal’s behalf. The scope of the power of the attorney must be defined by the principal on the form. Most commonly this contract becomes void at a particular date or when the specific activity is complete. A limited power of attorney is often used with real…


An Iowa tax power of attorney form allows residents to select a professional accountant to file taxes with the Department of Revenue on their behalf. It is recommended that an expert in the tax field such as a certified public accountant is selected as any mistakes and discrepancies can lead to penalties for the principal. However, any adult resident can be given the authority to…


An Iowa minor (child) power of attorney form is used by parents to authorize a representative, or “agent,” to temporarily act in a parental capacity to provide care for their child. Iowa law states that the agent may perform any act necessary to maintain the child’s usual standard of living. With the appointed powers, the agent will not only be able to provide care in the…


An Iowa real estate power of attorney allows an individual to nominate a representative who may act in their place and make decisions on their behalf. Unlike a general power of attorney, this document only assigns powers relating to real estate transactions such as purchasing, selling, or leasing property. The document will be valid once signed by the principal (person making the document) and acknowledged in…