New Hampshire Power of Attorney Forms

New Hampshire power of attorney forms help residents select proper representation in regard to financial, medical, and other important personal or business affairs. Some of these documents, when properly executed, will stay in effect throughout the principal’s life, regardless of disability or any form of mental or physical incapacitation. Other forms are used to establish a transfer of power and authority in a more temporary manner. The main purpose is to ultimately hand over certain powers to a trustworthy individual so that the principal does not have to deal with such matters themselves. 

Laws – Chapter 564-E: Uniform Power of Attorney Act

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A New Hampshire durable power of attorney form enables an individual to transfer management privileges concerning financial matters (business and/or personal) to another person. This person (attorney-in-fact) will be handed the task of acting on the individual’s (principal’s) behalf. The ‘durable’ component of the form means that the agreement stays in place in the event of a debilitating accident or another incident that leaves the…


A New Hampshire general power of attorney form serves to authorize a transfer of power from a principal (individual authorizing the transfer) to an attorney-in-fact (person to which power is transferred). The attorney-in-fact will act in a managerial role, controlling the principal’s assets, property, and other financial affairs, personal or business-related. Once the power of attorney document is executed, it becomes legally binding. However, unlike…


A New Hampshire medical power of attorney form, or advance directive form, is a dual-purpose document consisting of a durable power of attorney for healthcare and a living will. A person can choose to execute both sections of the advance directive, or they may choose only to complete one or the other. The durable power of attorney portion allows the principal to appoint an attorney-in-fact…


A New Hampshire tax power of attorney form, also known as DP-2848, is furnished by the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration and allows a person to appoint an authorized individual to handle their taxes and associated matters. The powers issued under this document are applicable only to New Hampshire’s Department of Revenue and other tax entities operating under the state’s jurisdiction. The form must…


A New Hampshire limited power of attorney form is designed to enable a principal (individual authorizing the form) to grant specific legal powers to an agent/attorney-in-fact (individual appointed to exercise powers). The attorney-in-fact should be someone trustworthy, preferably a close friend, relative, or the principal’s spouse. However, the principal may wish to elect someone with the knowledge and experience needed to handle the specific powers…


A New Hampshire vehicle power of attorney form, also referred to as Form Title 5, is a document that authorizes an appointed agent to represent the principal in certain dealings with the Division of Motor Vehicles in New Hampshire. Executing a vehicle power of attorney will mean the agent can present themselves at the DMV in the principal’s stead to handle applications for vehicle titles…


A New Hampshire minor power of attorney form can be used by parents to give another individual the temporary rights to make decisions regarding a child’s healthcare, education, and any other matters that may require parental permission. The appointed individual (the attorney-in-fact) will usually only be given this authority for a period during which the parent is absent due to military deployment, work, illness, or…


A New Hampshire real estate power of attorney allows individuals to appoint an agent to make certain real estate decisions on their behalf. Although this authority is usually given to handle real estate closings, it may also be used to give an agent the right to purchase real estate, manage a property, renovate buildings, and refinance mortgages in the principal’s name. Once the contract has…