Montana Power of Attorney Forms

Montana power of attorney forms authorize third-party representatives to act on behalf of an individual (the “principal”). The purpose of granting these responsibilities can range from closing real estate transactions to making healthcare decisions for the principal. A durable power of attorney can allow individuals to plan their health care or business affairs in preparation for permanent or temporary incapacitation by appointing a healthcare or financial agent. To be legally valid, most of these forms require the acknowledgment and signature of a notary public.

Laws – Chapter 31, Part 2: Uniform Power of Attorney Act

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A Montana durable power of attorney form allows an individual (the principal) to name a representative to manage their business decisions, financial transactions, and assets. This contract either activates immediately or upon the incapacitation of the principal. By definition, a durable power of attorney remains active in the event that the principal is incapacitated due to some medical reason. Therefore, the individual chosen should be…


A Montana general power of attorney form is used by individuals to assign an agent to act and make financial decisions on their behalf. On the contract, the individual being represented (the principal) can delegate which responsibilities and actions the agent will be authorized to perform. The arrangement becomes void in any situation where the principal becomes mentally incapacitated. To make an agreement that remains…


A Montana medical power of attorney form allows individuals to appoint agents to make healthcare decisions for them if they become mentally incapacitated. The healthcare agent’s duty is to make sure that the principal’s wishes regarding medical treatments and procedures are carried out during their incapacitation. For instance, the agent will be able to respect and represent the principal’s interests on whether to keep them…


A Montana limited power of attorney form gives a third party the authority to act on behalf of the principal for a specific purpose and limited duration. The principal determines the scope of authority and the tasks which the agent will be able to carry out; this can be anything from handling business operations to closing on real estate transactions. A standard contract usually ends…


A Montana motor vehicle power of attorney form is used by individuals to authorize representatives to handle the sale or purchase of a motor vehicle. Under this contract, title transfer and application, registration, and any other related actions with the Motor Vehicle Division (find a location) can be performed by the representative on behalf of the principal. For the sale to be considered complete in…


A Montana tax power of attorney form allows individuals to assign tax agents the authorization to handle their tax filings and view their confidential financial information. Although any adult resident can be elected as an individual’s tax agent, is recommended that professional tax attorneys and accountants are chosen. Once completed, the form should be sent to the Department of Revenue at one of the following…


A Montana minor power of attorney form is used to transfer certain parental powers from the parent of a child to a trusted agent (“guardian” or “attorney-in-fact”). This is a temporary guardianship position and, according to state law, the agent shall only maintain their powers for a period no longer than six months from the execution of this power of attorney document. However, there are…


A Montana real estate power of attorney allows residents to elect a representative to handle real estate transactions on their behalf. The selected party will be authorized to perform actions that include, but are not limited to, the management, sale, acquisition, and leasing of real property. Montana law indicates that all power of attorney forms are “durable” unless stated otherwise (§ 72-31-304). Therefore, this power of…


A Montana living will is a written declaration that directs medical practitioners to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment from the declarant in terminal circumstances. Any person who is 18 years of age or older and of “sound mind” can legally execute a living will at any time. Life-sustaining treatment is any medical procedure or intervention that only prolongs the dying process. Laws Statute – §50-9-103…