Vermont Power of Attorney Forms

Vermont power of attorney forms permit an individual (the “principal”) to appoint another person (the “agent” or “attorney-in-fact”) to handle financial, healthcare, and tax filing actions on their behalf. The principal may also choose the same agent to become their durable agent, meaning that the form will remain in effect if the principal becomes mentally incapacitated and can no longer think for themselves. In order to create a power of attorney document, the principal must choose the form(s) that best fit their needs.

Laws – Title 14, Chapter 123 (Powers of Attorney) & Title 18, Chapter 231 (Advance Directives For Health Care, Disposition Of Remains, And Surrogate Decision Making)

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A Vermont durable power of attorney form allows a representative, known as an “agent” or “attorney-in-fact,” to manage another individual’s financial affairs. The selected individual may conduct anything from simple bill paying to investment management. The person being represented, known as the “principal,” should know that this form remains in effect if he or she should become incapacitated. Laws “Durable” Definition (§ 3501(6)) – “Durable…


A Vermont tax power of attorney form, also known as Form PA-1, provides a resident with the ability to choose a professional, usually a certified public accountant (CPA) or tax attorney, to handle the filing of state taxes with the Vermont Department of Taxes. The power of attorney will only be effective for a specific tax period as designated by the taxpayer in the document….


A Vermont medical power of attorney form permits a resident to elect a healthcare surrogate who will execute their medical preferences while they are incapacitated and can no longer make competent decisions. The surrogate will be authorized to accept or deny healthcare treatments on the patient’s behalf. Such choices may include the refusal of life-prolonging treatments and artificial nutrition. The chosen surrogate may not be…


A Vermont general power of attorney form grants an agent the authority to make financial decisions on behalf of another person. The general power of attorney document bestows the same rights and responsibilities as the durable form, except that the general version does not remain valid if the principal should become mentally disabled. This form is used commonly among business partners for circumstances when an…


A Vermont limited power of attorney form allows a principal to grant specific powers and responsibilities to an agent. The form usually terminates after the completion of a particular monetary task or upon an expiration date designated by the principal in the document. It may be used for any legal financial activities in the state ranging from closing a real estate transaction to picking up…


A Vermont real estate power of attorney is used to grant authority to a third party to transfer real estate on behalf of the principal signatory. The form can also be used to enable the agent to refinance a property or maintain it for the duration of their term. The power of attorney can be durable (persist beyond the principal’s incapacitation) or non-durable (terminates upon incapacitation), but…


A Vermont minor child power of attorney form, in combination with a Petition to Appoint Custodial Guardianship for a Minor, enables another adult to act as a child’s custodial guardian. Custodial guardians are ordered by a court to take personal care of a child until they are old enough to care for themselves or until the biological parents or previous legal guardians are in a…