Wyoming Power of Attorney Forms

Wyoming power of attorney forms let an individual represent another person and handle their financial, medical, and tax filing needs. The person being represented, the “principal,” must first select someone they deem fit. The appointed party, the “agent” or “attorney-in-fact,” must be trustworthy and knowledgeable of the principal’s business affairs and medical interests. If the form selected is durable, the document continues to be valid if the principal should become incapable of thinking for themselves. Otherwise, all non-durable power of attorney forms will be void upon the principal’s incapacity. 

Laws – Title 3, Chapter 9, Article 1 (Uniform Power of Attorney Act) & § 35-22-403

By Most Popular

A Wyoming durable power of attorney permits a resident to grant someone else, an “agent,” the full power to act in their place for any type of financial matter. The most important aspect of the form is its durability, meaning it remains in effect if the person executing the power of attorney, the”principal,” may no longer be able to think for themselves. Whoever is chosen as…


A Wyoming general power of attorney form is used to assign one’s financial responsibilities to another person known as an “agent” or “attorney-in-fact.” The document allows for the designation of the same monetary-related activities as the durable form, but the main difference is that the general form does not remain effective if the principal should become mentally disabled. Once authorized, the power of attorney will…


A Wyoming medical power of attorney form is a legal document that allows an individual to select a surrogate to handle healthcare decisions on their behalf. The main purpose of the document is to ensure that the principal’s medical preferences are administered in the chance that they cannot make competent decisions. Generally, the chosen surrogate will be the principal’s spouse, relative, or close friend. Whoever…


A Wyoming limited power of attorney form enables a person to assign a specific financial act or responsibility to an agent (a.k.a. “attorney-in-fact”). This type of designation is often used by business owners to empower another party with the authority to handle a specific business transaction while they are absent. Typically, the power of attorney will be terminated either when the specific duty is complete, at…


A Wyoming minor child power of attorney can be used to assign temporary parental powers to a trusted guardian. Generally speaking, this individual will be a close relative or family friend of the legal parents. In the State of Wyoming, temporary guardianship cannot last longer than one year; if the power of attorney expires, a new one will need to be drafted in its place….


A Wyoming real estate power of attorney is a document that is used to grant authority to a real estate agent or another individual who will represent the principal in the transfer or management of real estate. The agreement may be made to be durable, which means it will persist beyond the real estate agent’s incapacity (mentally or physically). Alternatively, it may terminate upon the…