Advance Directive (Medical POA + Living Will ) | Alabama

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Updated on May 10th, 2023A New Jersey real estate power of attorney is a legal contract that can be used by property owners to give agents the power to make real estate decisions on their behalf. The most common purpose of appointing a real estate agent is to close a real estate sale. However, an agent may also be appointed to be a property manager,…

Updated on April 12th, 2023An Alabama minor power of attorney allows the parent(s) of a child to transfer parental and guardianship rights to someone else for a temporary period lasting up to one (1) year. The person obtaining the rights, known as the “agent” or “attorney-in-fact”, will have powers to choose the educational institution the child attends, medical decision-making, and any other parental rights in…

Updated on May 10th, 2023An Oklahoma minor power of attorney form authorizes an individual to have temporary custody over a minor and is executed by the minor’s parent or legal guardian. In most cases, parents will only have to use this type of agreement for a period during which they will be away from their child. Reasons for this separation can include the parent’s work, military…

Updated on May 10th, 2023A Rhode Island medical power of attorney form authorizes a principal to nominate an agent to make all their healthcare decisions if they can no longer do so. The usual choices for the agent are the principal’s spouse, child, close friend, or relative. In Rhode Island, unless the agent is related to the principal, the individual cannot be a medical professional…

Updated on May 10th, 2023An Ohio minor power of attorney form can be used by parents to authorize another individual to have the powers of a legal guardian over their child, usually for a limited period of time. The appointed attorney-in-fact will be able to represent the parents in all parental decisions for the duration of the contract. This type of agreement is most useful for…