Ohio Power of Attorney Forms

Ohio power of attorney forms legally authorize an attorney-in-fact to make financial and medical decisions for the person who executes the document (principal). The powers can be general in nature or very specific, depending on the type of power of attorney document executed. A principal can create a document that will allow a representative to make decisions on their behalf when they become unable to do so themselves (due to a disability or other incapacitation). In most cases, however, the power of attorney document becomes ineffective immediately upon the principal’s inability to make competent decisions. While it may seem that an “attorney-in-fact” should be someone who practices law, an appointed representative to a power of attorney document is more often than not the principal’s spouse, a relative, or a close friend or associate.

Laws – Chapter 1337: Power of Attorney

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An Ohio durable power of attorney form is designed to establish continuous representation regarding a person’s finances. The person authorized to represent the principal (the person who executed the document) is called an attorney-in-fact and they will be handling all (or most) of the principal’s personal finances and business affairs. The “durable” element of this power of attorney means the attorney-in-fact’s powers continue throughout the…


An Ohio medical power of attorney form is used to appoint a healthcare agent (attorney-in-fact) to make medical decisions in the event of the principal’s incapacitation. This appointment should not be taken lightly; the principal should select a person who is trustworthy, caring, and will make decisions based on the principal’s best interests and personal values. To help clarify one’s values and wishes, the principal…


An Ohio general power of attorney is a legal document that allows a person (principal) to appoint an attorney-in-fact to manage their financial affairs. The attorney-in-fact does not have to be an attorney; in fact, a principal usually chooses someone close to them to represent their best interests. The powers created under the general POA can be broad in nature or the principal may specify…


An Ohio motor vehicle power of attorney form (Form BMV 3771) can be completed to authorize an attorney-in-fact to represent the principal in certain vehicle-related dealings. If the principal cannot present themselves to the offices of an Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, this form will allow the attorney-in-fact to appear in their stead and sign any papers associated with the titling or registration of a…


An Ohio limited power of attorney form grants specific financial powers to an attorney-in-fact. With this type of form, the principal is usually authorizing their attorney-in-fact to represent them in a specific business transaction, i.e., a real estate sale/purchase or similar negotiation. The principal has the power to revoke the power of attorney form at any time, otherwise, the document becomes void upon completion of…


An Ohio minor power of attorney form can be used by parents to authorize another individual to have the powers of a legal guardian over their child, usually for a limited period of time. The appointed attorney-in-fact will be able to represent the parents in all parental decisions for the duration of the contract. This type of agreement is most useful for periods of time in…


An Ohio revocation of power of attorney form, when properly executed, will cancel a valid power of attorney document. It is possible to revoke a power of attorney orally (with the proper witnesses present), but a written revocation form serves as a much more secure way of terminating a POA. Once this revocation document has been completed, copies should be sent to all individuals or…


An Ohio tax power of attorney form permits an attorney-in-fact to represent the principal in all (or some) tax-related tasks. The principal can choose to have the attorney-in-fact receive all associated tax paperwork from the Ohio Department of Taxation and also file any necessary paperwork in return. Although it is not mandatory, the principal would be wise to appoint a certified public accountant or tax…


An Ohio real estate power of attorney form is a legal contract that individuals can use to authorize a third party to act as their representative with regard to the management of real estate. The agent may be assigned the right to sell, purchase, and manage a property, in addition to being able to refinance mortgages in the principal’s name. This type of power of…


An Ohio living will is a legal document declaring a patient’s wishes regarding the use of or withholding of life-sustaining treatment. The declaration applies when the patient is either terminally ill or permanently unconscious. Any medical practitioner who receives a living will from a patient must add it to the patient’s medical records and comply with all of its stipulations. Laws Statute – §2133.02 (Declaration…